Island Life

Okay I am finally caught back up with the weeks and so this “last week” is actually what happened last week. We didn’t have class since our professor went back to Quito so instead I studied or worked on the paper every day. Since I didn’t have a super active week, I am going to …

Long Week

I'm sorry for such a long post but this was a very long week. This week was my first week of "classes" and orientation. We had a really funky schedule where some days we had to be there at 7:30 am and others we didn't have to be there until 12:30. The first two days …

80 per second

This is not only how fast the average hummingbirds (colibrí) flap their wings per second but it is also how fast my brain has felt like it's been moving for the past 24 hours. My brain is thankfully starting to switch to Spanish but there are still so many things to process. When I landed, …


I feel like the only time I've ever spent in Miami has been at the airport, and that's not too different this time. (I have been here for almost 4 hours now) Although I did migrate to a hotel and restaurant for a few hours this time.I got a little exposure to the rest of …